

Sun, 24 Jun 2018 19:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 24 Jun 2018 22:00:00 GMT+08
成都彩虹Chengdu Rainbow


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    你是否有曾关注过残障的同志群体?或者是你身边的同志朋友中,是否有身心障碍者?Ta 们的处境如何?而残障+性少数者= 残障+女权主义= 精神障碍+听力障碍+视力障碍= 

    Have you ever paid attention to disabled gay groups? Or is there a person with a disability among the gay friends around you? What is Ta's situation? Disability + Sexual minorities=? Disability + Feminism =? Mental Disorder + Hearing Impairment + Visual Impairment =?

    残障同志,是一群拥有同志身份与身体残障的复合体,是不被我们看见的少数中的性少数。Ta 们往往是我国目前残障人中最边缘、最被忽略的一个社群。在社会的表达中,Ta 们有很多声音需要被听见,却常常没有话语权。

    Disabled gays are a group of people with a gay identity and a physical disability. And they are a minority of sexual minorities that are not seen by us. They are the most marginalized and neglected community among the disabled people in our country. In the social expression, they have many voices that need to be heard, but they often do not have the right to speak.


    Have you ever seen comrades with disabilities coming out of the circle and presenting their own story of life?


    In the past two years of work experience, Chengdu Milk LGBT Service Center has been trying to explore and open various types of fringe topics. We hope that through each activity, we can see the true life experiences and situations of sexual minorities, so that different ages, Barriers,classes, religions, ethnic groups, and politically inclined sexual minorities demonstrate the meaning and beauty of their own lives.

    6 月 24 日晚 7 点,欢迎你一同前来。

    At 7pm on June 24th, you are welcome to join us.



    Being aware of the disabled people who are LGBT: The reality and struggling of LGBT people who are physically-challenged.


    Sharer: Summer (LGBT who is hearing impaired)

    分享者介绍:花不语工作室创始人,公民权利倡导者,出生于 1991 年的听障摄影师和插画师,独立纪录片导演,主要作品:纪录片《眼底星辰》,《一场由支付宝引发的残障权利倡导》,公益画册《残障人的权利》,《妇联性别平等项目画册》,《反家暴手册》等,北京同语、北京源众,成都海缘等 NGO 吉祥物的设计者与创作者。

    Guest introduction: Founder of Hua Bu Yu Studio, a civil rights advocate, a hearing impaired photographer and illustrator born in 1991, independent documentary director, major works: documentary The Eye of the Eye”, A Disability Caused by Alipay Rights Advocacy, Public Welfare Album Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, Women's Gender Equality Project Album”,Anti-Domestic Compulsory Handbook”, etc. Designers and creators of NGO mascots such as Beijing Tongyu, Beijing Yuanzhong, and Chengdu Haiyuan .

    ​ 活动场地

    时间:6月24日(周日)19:00 - 21:00

    Time: Jun 24th (Sun.) 19:00 - 21:00

    地点:老书虫 (成都市武侯区玉洁东街2-7号,人民南路28号)

    Add: The Bookworm (Yujie East Road 2-7#, Ren min South Road 28#, Chengdu)


    Registration: Click to read the original registration. The event is free to participate. The activities mainly use Chinese to share and exchange.

    主办单位:成都米尔克  老书虫  CnPride

    MilksFriends, Bookworm, CnPride 

    设计:奥升  文案:马修

    Designer: Aosheng, Writer: Matthew


    成都米尔克一家关注同志公民自由表达、推动多元文化发展的非营利组织。我们致力于透过心理咨询、自助助人和公共教育等手法,以增强 LGBT 及相关人群的自我认同,实现一个中国公民能看见差异、多元共融、平等生活的社会环境。

    Chengdu Milk LGBT Service Center is a non-profit organization. We support LGBT people’s freedom of speech, and we advocate respect of various cultures in society. By psychological consulting, helping people to help themselves and public education, we are looking forward to help LGBT people develop self-identifications, and build a world where every citizen acknowledges, understands and celebrates equity & equality, difference & diversity.

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